The sun is streaming in and it is a beautiful spring morning! I know I am not the only one who is excited about the warmer temperatures, the sun shine and the winter thaw. We step out of hibernation mode as the days get longer and warmer. Many of us take this time of year as a chance to get re-energized, re-motivated and re-focused.

Spring is a good time to re-commit to our health and fitness goals as the layers of winter clothing come off. It is also a great time of year to do some “spring cleaning” mentally, emotionally, and physically. Exercise is as much mental and emotional as it is physical, and in order to excel at the physical aspect, you need to be in the right mind frame. In order to achieve the fitness goals that you have set for yourself, you need to ensure that your life’s road blocks have been cleared.

Who (or what) are taking up space in your life? Are those people/things providing a positive support system which will help you move closer to your goals while improving your health and well-being?

“Clutter” can show up in many different forms. These can be shown in our daily living through closets that are full of clothes that don’t fit or are unwanted, garages that you are unable to move around in or even a pantry that is bursting at the seams with junk food. Clutter can also be in the form of negative belief patterns or stories that we continue to tell ourselves, negative self-talk or even resentment and disappointment that we haven’t let go of. When you find yourself struggling to progress towards your health goals (or any goal for that matter), there is a strong chance that a form of clutter has appeared somewhere in your life.

The benefits of de-cluttering are endless! You will feel less anxious about lingering projects that need to be completed. You will become more productive at work, home and with your family. Attention and focus will improve as your mind will become sharper and capable of concentrating on the task at hand. You may open yourself to new opportunities, both personally and professionally, while seeing a boost in self-esteem. And of course, you will find yourself with more energy and feeling happier as an individual! All of these simple benefits will directly impact your health. Less anxiety will result in lower blood pressure while greater productivity and self-esteem will lead to an increase of endorphins throughout your body.

Starting to de-clutter can sometimes be a little overwhelming at first, but if you follow some simple steps you will find a sense of relief and help generate some more energy to see the process right through until the end. First, start small! When you conquer one small task, you can scratch it off your list. One less thing to worry about which will help build momentum for the next task. Second, focus on one area at a time. When you try to juggle too many situations at once, you will stretch yourself thin and become discouraged when the results aren’t as quick as you would like. Third, clean up after each “de-clutter session”. See your job through to the end. Take the garbage to the dump, set up donation bags to be taken to your local charity and tidy up the area that you were working in. Your sense of accomplishment will be so much greater when your work is carried out to completion.

Take some time this spring to do some de-cluttering of your own and experience what it is like to feel lighter (both physically and emotionally), more productive and have more energy! This is an area that a lot of us struggle in, including myself, but when you make a commitment to work on it, you will see the benefits spill over into all aspects of your life, including the time you can set aside for your own physical health and well-being!

Just think – I am in control and I will no longer let stuff or people hold me back from living the life that I desire!