“It feels like this is going to be the end of me”, “Not sure I can do it”, “Really want to give up”.

This blog won’t be long. At the moment, I’m feeling discouraged. I can’t see changes, and for the most part that’s how I measure success. I should know better. I want to give up, but my body wants to keep going. **Insert Greg’s voice here…”Change Takes Time!”**

The exercises that Greg has been coaching me through are undoubtedly awesome. Especially the supersets, in case you don’t know what that means: “Supersets! Cutting out downtime between sets, as with these alternating pairings of moves that work opposing muscles, ‘increases your metabolism not only because your heart rate stays higher throughout but also because the body works harder afterward to recover,’ says Mark Schuenke, PhD, assistant anatomy professor at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Biddeford, Maine” (fitnessmagazine.com). No wonder why I’ve felt ravenously hungry lately, cue in food. We’ll talk more about that another time.

So, I’m not where I want to be, and its taking heaps of patience. **Insert Greg’s voice again…”You can’t climb Mount Everest in a day!** Thankfully my confidence isn’t in my abilities, it’s in that I’m simply able to. Again, I need to trust the professional. I heard once, “take your foot off the gas, but don’t stop”. Thankfully I can rely on Greg’s understanding and help to set the right pace for me. I’m going to press on, because I can.

Unfortunately, I sustained several bruises from soccer last night, so you’ll have to exercise some patience for those before/after photos.

